Well we finally made it to November 19----I thought the day would never come.... The picture above is literally me because I live at my computer for my job so that is me right now---I am very excited for a fun-filled weekend. Tomorrow (Friday) after I have to go to the doctor (yuck) and then take Garrett to the eye doctor we get to enjoy the New Moon weekend. Friday night after dropping the kids off at my sister's house (thanks Angie) me and Chelton, my mom and dad, David and Alyssa and Alyssa's mom are going to see New Moon. Chelton tells me I am obsessed but I like to think he is excited to see the movie (doubt it but I will still think that). On Saturday morning me, my mom and my sister Halley are going to South Jordan to see New Moon (again) for the Lexicon Movie Event....keep your fingers crossed I win something cuz I have the worst luck and never win anything...I should have made by brother go to this cuz he always wins everything. Thanks to my sister Mandee for watching my kids for this as Chelton will be at the BYU game (unless it is snowing, then he will be out earning some money). Later that night we are getting family pictures with the Spendlove side of the family (fun to see everyone but I hate myself in pictures). Sunday I have absolutely nothing planned (besides church of course) and am very excited about that fact. I'm excited for next week too. I won't have very much work next week so it will almost be like a week off. With the kids out of school half the week maybe we can fit something fun in there. Kylie's birthday is in two weeks (Dec 4th---wow--she will be 2) so that is something fun coming up. I will post about it.
You have a busy, but fun weekend ahead of you! I still need to read the books!! I will sooner then later (i hope!)
ps. Thanks for looking out for Cooper the other day...hopefully he did not cause to many problems :)
Mel- I am so way excited for tonight. I am so giddy inside. David thought I was a dork last night when I kept asking him if he was excited to see New Moon.
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