Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I have so much to be thankful for

With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I thought it appropriate to make a list of some of the things I am most thankful for. Of course what I am most thankful for in this life is my husband. He is so wonderful. If I were to make a list of everything I think makes a perfect guy it would fit him to a tee. I am so blessed to have such an amazing guy to call my own. I am also thankful for three beautiful children. Garrett is so smart. Connor is so loving. Kylie is so sweet. They truly make me happy. I am thankful to have the gospel in our lives and centered around our family. It truly makes us more happy. I am very blessed to live in Plain City, Utah and have such wonderful neighbors to call friends. We absolutely love living here. I am thankful to have such a supportive extended family. My mom and dad are my rock...I rely on them for so much and they are truly amazing. I am grateful to have my in-laws live so close by and be able to be close to them. They are wonderful. I have many brothers, sisters, brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, neices and nephews who I also adore and look up to. We have so much to be thankful for this year and I am glad we have a day set aside each year to celebrate that fact.


Erin said...

Well, I hope I am one of those Plain City neighbors you can call your friend :) I just think you are wonderful and have been so good to us since we moved here! Hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving!!

Shauna Spendlove said...

It was so fun seeing you guys over Thanksgiving!! We put up the tree last night and it was fun to have presents to put under there!! Ian is really excited for Christmas so he can open them! Miranda just wants to suck on the paper, but I'm sure she'll love whats inside! =) Cute blog and music! Love the Christmas season!