Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Garrett the River Bandit


My next spotlight of our family is my oldest son Garrett. He is 8 years old but is only 2 months away from being 9. How time does fly. Garrett is my sports kid. If it's a sport he wants to play it. Right now he is playing on a baseball team called the River Bandits. He is having fun but is a little bummed because his birthday is so late in the year he had to play a year lower so most of his team are 2nd graders but he still has fun. He loves to play soccer and basketball too. He really gets into video games a lot. He could play for hours on end if I let him. He also goes in spurts on what he loves at the moment. He had a passion for Star Wars and then it changed to Mario, then to Sonic, then to Avatar the Airbender, then to Bakugan and now the latest is Pokemon....everything Pokemon. I just can't keep up with him and I can't buy Christmas early because likely his new thing will change and who knows what it will be next. Garrett has always done things early in his life. He talked extremely early. He was full blown talking at 12 months old. He was reading at 4 years old and walked at 9 months and has always been doing things extremely early in school and is a smart kid. He is definitely my smart reader though. He reads at an extremely high grade level for his age. Just wish I could get him to like it more :)

Well here are the answers Garrett gave me when I asked what his favorite things are:

Favorite foods: Noodles, hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza
Favorite desserts: Cookies, cake
Favorite color: Red
Favorite TV shows: Pokemon, Spongebob
Favorite movies: Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treador, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Harry Potter
Favorite Books: Percy Jackson, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Pokemon Hand Book
Favorite Vacation: Disneyland
Vacation you want to go on: Nickelodean cruise
Favorite things to do: Play with my friends, video games, play with my family
Favorite sport: Basketball
Things I don't like: Getting hurt
Things I love: My family
Favorite animals: Bear, tiger, lion
Friends: Cale, Brooks, Efron, Chris, Kasen, Kyler, Nathan, Morris, John, Ethan, Jayden, Mason, Carter, James, Ryan, Preston, Adam, Harrison.


1 comment:

Shauna Spendlove said...

Ian is really into pokemon right now too! Every time we go to the Library he checks out a pokemon video! Garrett is such a stud... all the girls are going to love him because he is sporty and smart! =)