Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sick, sick and more sick

Well we have had two weeks of sickness, sickness and more sickness. It has not been fun. It all started with taking the kids for their well child checks. Of course you go the doctor well and a few days later you get sick. Connor and Chelton started getting a cough and then I kind of got a little cold and then we all stayed home two weekends ago and didn't get anything done. Once the weekend was over I remember thinking that we got by okay and I was glad that was over....but that was just the beginning (but thankfully it was over for kids). Well this last week has been horrible. Last Tuesday Chelton woke up and he went to work and he called me and told me that something was wrong. He came home and laid on the couch and told me he needed me to take him to the hospital---this coming from a guy who doesn't like to go to the doctor or even take medicine. I quickly called his doctor and got him in to see him a couple of hours later. Well after the longest trip at the doctor's office we have ever experienced and a few tests and x-rays later we found out that Chelton had an extreme case of Strep and a bad case of pneumonia and some other crud on top of that. He has literally been bed-ridden for a week (and yes he is still in bed one week later as I am writing this post). I got the crud on top of the pneumonia and Strep that he has and it too has lasted this whole week with me. But sadly I have not gotten to lie in bed for a week. I get to work and take care of kids and the house and all that fun stuff. Anyway....any other news besides sickness----as it seems that has been our life for the last two weeks----Kylie has lost more weight after we took her to her well child check. She dropped from 20 pounds down closer to 19 pounds so her doctor is worried about her. She has not been feeling great this week as well and has not been eating so of course I have been worried about that. She has slowly been filling into her role of the terrible two's. That is not fun. But she is still a cutie and we love her dearly. Connor has been slowly learning to read and will have nothing to do in Kindegarten next year. I keep joking with him that they are going to send him to Garrett's grade when he goes because he knows too much. Garrett is getting excited to start soccer soon and is excited that his baptism is coming up. I am excited also that spring weather is slowly around the corner. So that's our life in a nutshell in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully we are on the mend of sickness and some good stuff starts coming our way.....


Ashley and Parker Spendlove said...

I'm so sorry about everyone being sick. I hope you guys get better, especially Kylie. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!

landofnyedom said...

So sorry you've been so sick! We did that last spring and were miserable for about 3 straight weeks. Hope you guys are on the downside and get feeling better.

Baker Family said...

I"m sooo sorry you guys have been going through that. NO FUN! We had about 3 full weeks of the same thing in February too. Kurt was the only one that didn't get it and poor little Jaren was the worst. I hope you guys all start feeling better and everything is ok with Kylie. I think you all need some sunshine....maybe a little visit down south would be good! :)