So a few posts back I wrote about my family doing a biggest loser competition. Well we are going month to month so each month we start over. The first month nothing happened. I just sat there week after week with nothing happening and this month....well..tada tada....this month I lost 9 pounds....that is a HUGE HUGE HUGE accomplishment for me and I officially am the biggest loser for this month. That means not only do I get to feel wonderful for losing 9 pounds this month...I also won like $100 dollars. I have to partly congratulate the new medication I'm on for my fibromyalgia because one of the side effects is weight loss (ya ya) and the fact that I haven't had any carbonation in two months (another side effect is that it makes carbonation taste disgusting) anyway I'm just glad that even though I've had a few moments of bad self esteem (like going to the temple and having my temple dress not fit and having to have the temple workers rent me a new dress and trying not to cry in the changing room and having my 5 year old son randomly tell me I'm fat while we are eating dinner---thank's Connor that's a motivation right there)....I'm still happy that I am a big loser and I hope that I continue to be a big loser for many more months to come because I know that I have many more pounds to go!!!
You go girl, that is awesome!! Keep up the good work :)
YEA for you!!! 9 lbs. is amazing---keep it up! :)
Congrats Melanie! That is great! I stopped drinking my beloved Dr. Pepper on January 1 and haven't lost anything by doing that....SO ANNOYING! My kids tell me all the time that it looks like I have a baby in my tummy...nice hu? I'm so with you, you are motivating me to continue to get my booty in gear. Although I don't get $100 bucks for it :( Cheers to us losers ;)
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