Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Hunger Games (finished)


Well it didn't take me long to finish this book. After reading the first five chapters the first night I knew I would finish this book in a matter of days (which is fast for me as I don't get very much time to read). I absolutely loved this book. It was definitely a page turner and so intense to read. I had a lot of people tell me that they loved it but after having them explain a little about it to me it didn't sound like the type of book I usually like. People trying to kill each other, slaved and oppressed? I'm more of a lovey-dovey type but when even Erin said she loved it (who doesn't read anything)---I had to give it a try and had to get my hands on it fast. The whole time I read the book I kept thinking of what a great movie this would be. I could just picture the movie in my mind. I can't wait to see this on the big screen (and hopefully they keep it rated PG-13 so I can). I would recommend this one to all and I can't wait to see what the next one brings as the Games are over so what could the next one have in store????

Friday, May 14, 2010

47 days and counting...

I just bought my tickets to see Eclipse at the Junction on June 30 (of course I'm making Chelton go with me). Now I just have to wait for it to get here...47 days and counting.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Shout out to my mom

Well I am a day late (as I didn't want to get near my computer on the weekend). If you know me I am a medical transcriptionist so I make my living on my computer so my mother's day present to myself was not working on my computer. So I wanted to shout out to my mom a day late!!! If you know my mom a present to her is not putting a picture of her on here because she would not appreciate that...she hates seeing pictures of herself. I absolutely positively love my mom in every way possible. She is my best friend and has always been so. I can remember from the earliest memory I have telling my mom every detail of my life I have. If something happens in my life after telling my husband, of course, my mom if the first person I go to. It's almost like it doesn't happen if I don't tell her. I'm very blessed to be able to spend so much time with my mom and dad. They definitely are my "friends." On a Friday or Saturday night when we have nothing to do we always go hang out with them and they never get sick of us. It is not unusual to call my mom 5 times a day. She is such a good grandma too. My kids adore her. Thanks for being such a wonderful mom.

I also want to tell my mother-in-law that she a great mother and grandma as well. We appreciate all she does for us.

And to my wonderful children....thanks for letting me be the kind of mom I always wanted to be. I have such sweet children who are definitely my sweethearts. Garrett is so strong and independent and kind spirited. Connor is my sweetheart who has such a soft spot in my heart. He definitely marches to the beat of his own drum. Kylie is definitely my princess who is silly and playful. I hope I can be the kind of mother that my mom was.


Monday, May 3, 2010

The Last Song

Well I just finished The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks...I was a little hesitant to read this as I know the typical Nicholas Sparks books are pretty sad and I have heard from people that have seen the movie that it was sad so I didn't know if I wanted to read it or not but I was actually pretty suprised. I put myself on the waiting list at the library to get this book and they emailed me that it was in so I ran to pick it up. I read it in just a few days and I really liked this one. I went in knowing it was a Nicholas Sparks book (as having read most of his books) and it was a really good book. Having seen the previews for the movie I could clearly picture Miley Cyrus as the lead character and Greg Kinnear as her dad. Yes the book was a tear jerker but it ends on a happy note and the lead character (played by Miley Cyrus in the movie) really grows in the book and she ends up happy at the end which usually doesn't happen in his books. So without giving away what happens and spoiling the book, I just want to say that I really liked it and would recommend it. I want to see the movie now and see how it compares with the book. Now it is on to the next book. My sister-in-law gave me Pride and Prejudice but she is also getting me the Hunger Games which I have been dying to read and heard is really good so I will have to decide what is next....