Utah Jazz matchbox cars for Garrett and Connor and fridge alphabet magnets for Kylie. Garrett also got a letter from our elf. He was kind of a stinker yesterday and Dad had to call the elves and tell them not to come. He was better the rest of the night so he got a letter from our elf (who we found out his name is Percy). He told Garrett that if he didn't start acting better he would be on Santa's naughty list and that he couldn't bring anymore presents to his shoe. Hopefully Percy's letter helped and Garrett starts acting better.
Hey where did you get the fridge magnets? I've been looking ALL over for some for Keatyn (it's the only thing I can think of to keep her from playing with our dishes).
Ok, this is the BEST idea ever! I am SOOO doing this next year! Thanks for sharing this fun idea!!
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