Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Monday, December 14, 2009

On the first day of Christmas our elves brought:

So Chelton's family had a tradition in their house when he was younger that he loved and that we have adopted into our own tradition. 12 days before Christmas the kids leave a shoe under the tree and if they are good that day the elves will leave a small present or treat in their shoe the next morning. Now we have to tell the kids this is something special that parents can sign up for so that they don't make all their friends feel bad that they don't get the elves come to their house.

So last night was the first night that the elves came. This morning the boys jumped out of bed (which is a rare thing...usually I have to drag them out of bed) and raced down to the tree to find what was in their shoe. Garrett and Connor had ninja swords and kylie had a my little pony type (well the cheap all a dollar brand anyway). The kids get so excited for this and I have enjoyed getting them so excited for Christmas and also I must admit I like hanging it over their head that if they are not good their shoe would be empty. Well I thought I would count down every day telling what the elves brought.


landofnyedom said...

What a fun idea! I bet it helps keep them nicer at Christmas time. :)

landofnyedom said...
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Shauna Spendlove said...

We started doing that this year too!! =) Although... Ian doesn't like the idea of elves coming to our house so he doesn't get very excited about it! =)

Ashley and Parker Spendlove said...

Haha. We're doing that as well. I didn't know ANYTHING about it until about a week ago when Mira started talking about Charlie the Elf coming and shoes under the tree. I was so confused until Parker took me aside and explained it. I just went shopping today (since the girls are only at our house part time). I'm pretty excited!