Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Friday, December 17, 2010

10 years later


Well we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary. Who could have imagined it would have come so fast. This is the only picture I have on my computer of our wedding. This is my grandma and grandpa Girardo. The rest of my pictures are in storage so that is why I put this picture on here. Everyone tells you how fast it goes but now that I'm here I can say they are right. It all seems to have gone by in a blur. I feel like at 10 years we are starting over somehow too. Chelton is starting a new career as a police officer and we are starting a new life in Fillmore, Utah. If you haven't heard yet he got a job in Fillmore and we will be moving very quickly down there. We sure have been through a lot in these last 10 years and it has been quite a journey. I can't wait to see what the next 10 years will bring. I have learned a lot in life these past 10 years and I can't wait to bring that knowledge to good use. I definitely love Chelton more than ever too!!!


landofnyedom said...

Wow! Congrats & good luck in Fillmore!

Baker Family said...

Wow! First- congrats on 10 years! That is so crazy how fast time has gone really seems sometimes like just yesterday when we were still in high school and now look at us all these years later with our hubbys and 3 kiddos! So..FILLMORE?!?! I'm so excited Chelton found a job! Must be crazy moving away but it will all work out. Now we'll have to make that a stop on our way up or back and see you guys!