Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What a trial!!!

Well we just got back this weekend from our first camping trip up to Trial Lake in the Uintahs. We actually got my whole family to go with all the siblings and cousins and everything. I'm surprised we found a weekend where everyone could go. Sorry I didn't bring my camera so there are no pictures. Pictures of me and camping don't mix but it would have been fun to get some of the kids. We had a really fun time (especially the kids). The kids got to do a little fishing, shoot some BB guns and we did some 4 wheeling. They had an absolute ball just running around with all of their cousins. We have 11 cousins in all ranging from 2 to 12. There were a lot of mosquitos but that is part of the fun right? We slept on a hill so by time the morning came all of us were crammed down at the bottom of the tent in one little ball. I have to tell you I really do miss my trailer but it wasn't so bad sleeping in a tent. It was fun catching up on old times with my brothers and sisters. We used to go camping a lot when I was younger. We are going for 9 days in a week and a half so the kids are excited to be camping again soon.


Shauna Spendlove said...

How fun!!! =) Camping seems to be bitter sweet... you have all the annoying things like bugs, tents, getting all dirty... but it's so worth it!! =) Glad you guys had fun and get to go again soon!!

Erin M said...

Sounds like fun. Camping with kids is a lot of work, but at least they don't realize it and just love it. Hope your getting settled in your new home.