"Pickles and Beans" by Connor Spendlove
Being different is what diversity means.
Some people like pickles, some people like beans.
Some people have black hair, some people have brown.
Some people have smiles, some people have frowns.
We should all get along though we're not the same.
We can all be friends and play a game.
This is the poem that Connor entered in the Reflections contest this year. The theme this year was "Diversity Means." We sat down and wrote this poem and he wrote it pretty quickly actually. We had the assembly two days ago and he found out that he took second place and he got a medal and a dollar for writing his poem. Connor LOVES medals. He was sooo excited!!! Here is a picture of him and his medal for his poem.
The next day at karate Connor was chosen as the athlete of the day and received the karate medal (which he has done once when he first started karate so he had one other karate medal) so he had to take a picture with both of his karate medals. Now he gets really proud of his medals and keeps them in his special medal box and is proud of them. He is a very flexible kid and can do the splits very well and when he earned his medal they took a picture of him doing the splits in front with the whole class behind him. He loves the attention and being in the spotlight so he LOVED this!!! When he got home he had to run and get his other karate medal and take a picture with both of his karate medals on.
Also Connor lost a tooth recently (which he hasn't done in a long time). He hasn't been one of those kids that has been missing all his teeth. When he lost his bottom teeth his others were already grown in behind so he never had a hole like a normal kid should. He was so proud when he lost this tooth to actually have a real hole in his mouth. He put the tooth under his pillow and could you believe it that the tooth fairy didn't come? She must have been real tired or forgetful and the next night didn't come again? Darn that tooth fairy. Mom went upstairs and showed Connor that he just doesn't look very good and showed Connor that the money was there the whole time and that it was just hidden really good inside his pillow case and he got $5 because the tooth fairy didn't come the first night :)
Also I know it is going way back but we did have a good Thanksgiving. My mom and dad came down to Fillmore as it was their off year and we couldn't come up to my in-laws as Chelton had to work. We had a low key Thanksgiving with just my kids and my mom and dad. We watched some football and made these cute little felt turkeys with the kids. My mom and I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning after doing our version of black Friday getting the Walmart deals online. It was pretty hectic but so much better than going to any stores in the cold and dealing with people and lines. We actually got pretty much what we wanted to get too. It was great. On Saturday in Fillmore they have a light parade (pretty small but fun) and then they light up the town square and have hot chocolate and doughnuts with Santa. It was cold but fun. Plus Santa gives you a whole bag full of candy rather than a little candy cane so the kids liked that. Here is my kid's homemade felt turkey puppets we made on Thanksgiving.
So Garrett has been playing junior Jazz lately and has been doing pretty good with that. His team is the Pacers. He plays with a combined 3rd, 4th and 5th grade team and there is a big difference between 3rd, 4th and 5th graders but down here they don't have enough kids to have their own league so they have to combine. They basically have two teams. They put in the 3rd and 4th graders to play against the other team's 3rd an 4th graders for a quarter and then switch. It works out pretty good. Garrett has really improved quite a bit. Basketball is his favorite sport and you can really tell.
And last but not least on my super long blog post we had our ward party recently. We had a fun night where we had soup and salad and cookies and the kids sang songs and then Santa came. We had just seen Santa from the light parade and got pictures there but Kylie wasn't so sure about Santa but I got here to sit and smile pretty for me so I thought I would post how cute they were with Santa. I haven't got Santa pictures I think ever because we never went to any place were there was a Santa but we have them now.
Well that is the end of my really long blog post. If you made it this far thanks for hanging in there. Only 30 more days until my Caribbean cruise!!!