Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas Countdown

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It is still under construction but our business website is
We hope it will be up and running soon. Thank you Parker for your hard work on it!!!!

New Move

We are soon moving to Plain City. We will be moving in the next few weeks. We are excited to kind of start in a new city. This is the house we are buying. It has a nice big lot which is nice for Chelton's business. Watch out Plain we come.


Well I am only a month late but I wanted to post pictures of Garrett's 6th birthday party. He had a great time. He invited all of his friends and cousins. They played a lot of star wars games and broke a pinata. They also got light sabers and had a good time popping bubbles with their light sabers. Garrett got a lot of fun presents that he loved too.